COSC 4P82 Genetic Programming
Instructor: Brian Ross
Lecture hours, Winter 2024: Mon, Thurs 8-9:30am
Location: AS 216
Office hours: TBA
TA: Sumaia Aktar ( )
Brightspace page.

GP-based non-photorealistic image by Maryam Baniasadi. Web site.
Course info
- Textbook:
A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
by Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, and Nicholas F. McPhee.
Lulu Press. ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4. 2008.
- Course outline
- Project description (updated Feb 22 2024)
- Introduction to DEAP and ECJ Tutorials (repeated)
- 2-3pm Tuesday January 16
- 12-1pm Wednesday January 17
- Location: MC D205
- Last day to withdraw without academic penalty: March 8, 2024
- Term test date: (in class) Monday March 18, 2024
- Seminar schedule and topics. --> NOW OPEN!
- Approximate mark breakdown: (total 10)
- Content (4): enough technical content (GP related); not too short of talk.
- Presentation (4): organization, clear discussion, slides, answers questions.
- Discretionary (2).
- Misc files (local access)
- Assignment 1
- Marking scheme.
- Please hand in your electronic submission at the 4P82 course page on Brightspace. One submission per group.
- Assignment 2 (updated Feb 22 2024)
- Marking scheme. (updated Feb 22 2024)
- Please hand in your electronic submission at the 4P82 course page on Brightspace. One submission per group.
- Procedural Texture noise code examples:
- General assignment information
Supplementary lecture material:
Other Reading
Target image (left) and GP evolved image (right):
GP Systems
ECJ (Java)
DEAP (Python)
lilGP 1.1 (C)
Other GP systems:
- Open BEAGLE: A C++ based GP system.
- Here are some notes on getting it running.
- RobGP (C++): Robust Genetic Programming System by Brock student Robert Flack.
- GPLAB - a GP system for Matlab
- CNGGGPS - Grammar-based system developed by Brock student Stephen Baker (Linux)
- Discipulus - commercial linear GP system (dead; was at www.
- List of GP Implementations (originally from Wikipedia GP article)
Other useful things:
In the News...
Machine learning problem sets
Useful Links
Interactive Online GA's