import Prelude hiding (Monoid) {- Question 1: For this question do the following: a) Define a class Weighable that indicates that elements of a data type have some weight. A type is Weighable if: i) there is a function weight that assigns a Float to every element, ii) there is a function weightDiff that computes the weight difference of two elements, iii) and there is an element zero of weight 0.0. Provide a default definition of weight in terms of weightDiff and vice versa. b) Make the data type Float an instance of Weighable so that the weight of number is its absolute value. c) Make the data type of lists of a elements an instance of Weighable if the type a already is. The empty list has weight 0.0 and the weight of a list is the sum of the weights of its elements. Examples: weight ([]::[Float]) = 0.0 (Notice the type annotations in the calls. They are weight ([1.1,2.3]::[Float]) = 3.4 necessary. Otherwise, the calls are ambiguous.) d) Write a function lighter that returns True if the first parameter is lighter, i.e., has a smaller weight, than the second parameter. The two parameters can be of different type as long as both are weighable. Example: lighter (5.0::Float) ([1.1,2.3]::[Float]) = False -} {- Question 2: For this question do the following: a) Define a class Monoid for monoids. A monoid is a data type that provides a binary operation (+++) and and element e. b) Make the type Integer an instance of Monoid by using (+) and 0 as the implementation of (+++) and e. c) Make the type of pairs (a,b) an instance of Monoid if a and b are already instances of Monoid. Define (+++) and e component-wise. d) Use foldl to write a function sumM that takes a list of Monoid elements and produces their sum with respect to (+++), i.e., sumM [a1,a2,...,an] = e +++ a1 +++ a2 +++ ... +++ an Examples: sumM [1..5] = 15 sumM [(1,1),(2,3),(3,5),(4,7)] = (10,16) e) Use zipWith to write a function zipM that takes two lists of Monoid elements and produces a list of their corresponding sums with respect to (+++), i.e., zipM [a1,a2,...,an] [b1,b2,...,bn] = [a1 +++ b1,a2 +++ b2,...,an +++ bn] Examples: zipM [1,2,3,4] [1,3,5,7] = [2,5,8,11] zipM [(1,1),(2,3),(3,5),(4,7)] [(1,1),(2,3),(3,5),(4,7)] = [(2,2),(4,6),(6,10),(8,14)] -} {- Question 3: For this question do the following: a) Define a class Listable for type constructors t that which allow to convert any element of type t a to list of a elements. Name the corresponding member of the class, i.e., a function t a -> [a] toList. b) Make the type constructor of lists, i.e., the type constructor [], an instance of Listable. c) Make the type constructor Maybe an instance of Listable. Note that elements of type Maybe a are either the element Nothing or Just x where x is from a. Nothing and Just can be used in pattern matching. d) Write a function allT that for a given predicate p :: a -> Bool and an element of type t a where t is Listable returns True if all elements of type a in t a satisfy p. e) Write a function anyT that for a given predicate p :: a -> Bool and an element of type t a where t is Listable returns True if there is an element of type a in t a that satisfies p. -}