COSC 4P80 Artificial Neural Network:Outline

Winter 2017
Department of Computer Science
Brock University

Instructor: Beatrice M.Ombuki-Berman   Office:J307, office hrs: Tue. 11:45 pm - 12:15 pm (or appointment)
Teaching Assistant: Andrew Runka

Course Description

The goal of this course is to introduce students to practical problem solving using a powerful
class of AI model, the neural network. We begin with a brief introduction of a loose analogy to
the brain to give some idea of the parallel and distributed nature of neural networks.
An overview of various neural network models will be carried out by discussing the underlying
principles, model architectures, behaviours and learning algorithms. A range of applications will also be discussed.


Textbook (TBA):

There will be no main text, however, we will uses various resources including following texts.


Assignments (2) 35 %
Term Project 25%
Class Test (March tba) 15%
Seminars & Participation 20%
labs 5%