50 Due dates for assignments will be printed on the assignment text. Assignments will be accepted up to 3 days late with a one-time penalty of 25%. You are strongly encouraged to hand in all assignments even if incomplete. Generally it is to your advantage to hand in assignments on time, even if incomplete. All assignments should be submitted directly to the instructor. 25 Input is to be from a text file consisting of several paragraphs. On the line immediately prior to each paragraph will be an integer M, 1<=M<=80, which is the desired width of the paragraph. A value of M=0 indicates the end of the input. Each word consists of characters with ASCII codes 33 to 126 inclusive. Words are separated by 1 or more spaces, or by a newline character. Paragraphs are separated by 1 or more empty lines. There are at most 500 words per paragraph. 0