package numerology; public class Basic { //The class name needs to match the filename public void basicmath() { //Some very simple operations int value=5; double data=value/3; System.out.println(data); //What are you expecting for the output? } public double fancymath(double target, double threshold) { double guess=target/4; //The 4 will automatically widen while (Math.abs(guess*guess-target)>threshold) { guess=(guess+target/guess)/2; } return guess; } public static void main(String[] args) { //Our 'main method' Basic b=new Basic(); System.out.println("Howdy!\nLet's try some really basic operations?"); b.basicmath(); System.out.println("Let's try solving for the square root of 14!"); System.out.println(b.fancymath(14,0.01)); System.out.println("And we're done!"); } }