Grobian Picture GROBIAN - The Rough Set Engine
(Grobmengen Informations-Analysator)

The GROBIAN project aims to develop user-friendly software to analyse data with rough set technology . For an introduction to this methodology, please consult the survey paper I. Düntsch & G. Gediga which is available on-line.

GROBIAN is written in C++. Besides its own algorithms, the first version of GROBIAN used parts of the of the Rough Set Library RSL (2.0) , combined with a Windows(3.x/95) user interface. By now, most of the RSL code has been eliminated.

An integral part of the project is the iterative enhancement of GROBIAN's user-friendliness with usability engineering methods which are based on ISO 9241 / 10.

The current implementation of GROBIAN has, among others, the following features:

 A short technical abstract
 A Tour of GROBIAN
 Download a beta - version of GROBIAN for testing

 Please send your comments to G. Gediga or I. Düntsch