% ROOM - a version of the room knowledge base for FOOPS. Much of the % knowledge about furniture is stored in frames, thus simplifying % the rule portion of the knowledge base. frame(furniture, [ legal_types - [val [couch,chair,coffee_table,end_table,standing_lamp, table_lamp,tv,knickknack]], position - [def none, add pos_add], length - [def 3], place_on - [def floor], can_hold - [def 0]]). frame(couch, [ ako - [val furniture], length - [def 6]]). frame(chair, [ ako - [val furniture], length - [def 3]]). % A table is different from most furniture in that it can hold things % on it. frame(table, [ ako - [val furniture], space - [def 4], length - [def 4], can_support - [def yes], holding - [def []]]). frame(end_table, [ ako - [val table], length - [def 2]]). frame(coffee_table, [ ako - [val table], length - [def 4]]). % electric is used as a super class for anything electrical. It contains % the defaults for those attributes unique to electrical things. frame(electric, [ needs_outlet - [def yes]]). frame(lamp, [ ako - [val [furniture, electric]]]). frame(standing_lamp, [ ako - [val lamp]]). frame(table_lamp, [ ako - [val lamp], place_on - [def table]]). frame(tv, [ ako - [val [furniture, electric]], place_on - [calc tv_support]]). frame(knickknack, [ ako - [val furniture], length - [def 1], place_on - [def table]]). frame(wall, [ length - [def 10], outlets - [def 0], space - [calc space_calc], holding - [def []]]). frame(door, [ ako - [val furniture], length - [def 4]]). frame(goal, []). frame(recommend, []). % calculate the available space if needed. The available space is % computed from the length of the item minus the sum of the lengths of % the items it is holding. The held items are in the holding list. % The items in the list are identified only by their unique names. % This is used by walls and tables. space_calc(C,N,space-S) :- getf(C,N,[length-L,holding-HList]), sum_lengths(HList,0,HLen), S is L - HLen. sum_lengths([],L,L). sum_lengths([C/N|T],X,L) :- getf(C,N,[length-HL]), XX is X + HL, sum_lengths(T,XX,L). % When placing the tv, check with the user to see if it goes on the % floor or a table. tv_support(tv,N,place_on-table) :- nl, write('Should the TV go on a table? '), read(yes), uptf(tv,N,[place_on-table]). tv_support(tv,N,place_on-floor) :- uptf(tv,N,[place_on-floor]). % Whenever a piece is placed in position, update the holding list of the % item which holds it (table or wall) and the available space. If something % is placed in front of something else, then do nothing. pos_add(_,_,position-frontof(X)) :- uptf(C,N,[holding-[X]]). pos_add(C,N,position-CP/P) :- getf(CP,P,[space-OldS]), getf(C,N,[length-L]), NewS is OldS - L, NewS >= 0, uptf(CP,P,[holding-[C/N],space-NewS]). pos_add(C,N,position-CP/P) :- nl,write_line(['Not enough room on',CP,P,for,C,N]), !,fail. % The forward chaining rules of the system. They make use of call % to activate some pure Prolog predicates at the end of the knowledge % base. In particular, data gathering, and wall space calculations % are done in Prolog. % These are the terms which are initially stored in working storage. % They set a goal used to force firing of certain preliminary rules, % and various facts about the problem domain used by the actual % configuration rules. initial_data([goal - gather_data, wall - north with [opposite-south,right-west,left-east], wall - south with [opposite-north,right-east,left-west], wall - east with [opposite-west,right-north,left-south], wall - west with [opposite-east,right-south,left-north] ]). % first gather data, then try the couch first. rule 1: [goal - gather_data] ==> [call(gather_data), assert( goal - couch_first )]. % Rules f1-f13 illustrate the strength of rule based programming. % Each rule captures a rule of thumb used in configuring furniture % in a living room. The rules are all independent, transparent, % and can be easily maintained. Complexity can be added without % concern for the flow of control. % f1, f2 - place the couch first, it should be either opposite the % door, or to its right, depending on which wall has more space. rule f1: [goal - couch_first, couch - C with [position-none,length-LenC], door - D with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [opposite-OW,right-RW], wall - OW with [space-SpOW], wall - RW with [space-SpRW], SpOW >= SpRW, LenC =< SpOW] ==> [update(couch - C with [position-wall/OW])]. rule f2: [goal - couch_first, couch - C with [position-none,length-LenC], door - D with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [opposite-OW,right-RW], wall - OW with [space-SpOW], wall - RW with [space-SpRW], SpRW >= SpOW, LenC =< SpRW] ==> [update(couch - C with [position-wall/RW])]. % f3 - f3a the tv should be opposite the couch. if it needs a table, an % end table should be placed under it, if no table is available put % it on the floor anyway and recommend the purchase of a table. The rules % first check to see if the couch has been placed. rule f3: [couch - C with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [opposite-OW], tv - TV with [position-none,place_on-floor]] ==> [update(tv - TV with [position-wall/OW])]. rule f4: [couch - C with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [opposite-OW], tv - TV with [position-none,place_on-table], end_table - T with [position-none]] ==> [update(end_table - T with [position-wall/OW]), update(tv - TV with [position-end_table/T])]. rule f4a: [tv - TV with [position-none,place_on-table]] ==> [assert(recommend - R with [buy-['table for tv']])]. % f5 - the coffee table should be in front of the couch. rule f5: [coffee_table - CT with [position-none], couch - C] ==> [update(coffee_table - CT with [position-frontof(couch/C)])]. % f6, f7 - chairs should be on adjacent walls from the couch, which ever % has the most space rule f6: [chair - Ch with [position-none], couch - C with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [right-RW,left-LW], wall - RW with [space-SpR], wall - LW with [space-SpL], SpR >= SpL] ==> [update(chair - Ch with [position-wall/RW])]. rule f7: [chair - Ch with [position-none], couch - C with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [right-RW,left-LW], wall - RW with [space-SpR], wall - LW with [space-SpL], SpL > SpR] ==> [update(chair - Ch with [position-wall/LW])]. % put end_tables next to the couch first, then on the walls with % the chairs rule f9: [end_table - ET with [position-none], not tv - TV with [position-none,place_on-table], couch - C with [position-wall/W], not end_table - ET2 with [position-wall/W]] ==> [update(end_table - ET with [position-wall/W])]. rule f10: [end_table - ET with [position-none], not tv - TV with [position-none,place_on-table], chair - C with [position-wall/W], not end_table - ET2 with [position-wall/W]] ==> [update(end_table - ET with [position-wall/W])]. % put the table lamps on the end tables rule f11: [table_lamp - TL with [position-none], end_table - ET with [position-wall/W]] ==> [update( table_lamp - TL with [position-end_table/ET] )]. % put the knickknacks on anything which will hold them. rule f11a: [knickknack - KK with [position-none], Table - T with [can_support-yes, position-wall/W]] ==> [update( knickknack - KK with [position-Table/T] )]. % get extension cords if needed rule f12: [Thing - X with [needs_outlet-yes, position-wall/W], wall - W with [outlets-0]] ==> [assert(recommend - R with [buy-['extension cord'-W]])]. rule f13: [Thing - X with [needs_outlet-yes, position-C/N], C - N with [position-wall/W], wall - W with [outlets-0]] ==> [assert(recommend - R with [buy-['extension cord'-Thing/W]])]. % When no other rules fire, here is the summary rule f14: [] ==> [call(output_data)]. % Prolog predicates called by various rules to perform functions better % handled by Prolog. % Gather the input data from the user. gather_data :- read_furniture, read_walls. read_furniture :- get_frame(furniture,[legal_types-LT]), write('Enter name of furniture at the prompt. It must be one of:'),nl, write(LT),nl, write('Enter ''end.'' to stop input.'),nl, write('At the length prompt enter ''y.'' or a new number.'),nl, repeat, write('>'),read(X), process_furn(X), !. process_furn(end). process_furn(X) :- get_frame(X,[length-DL]), write(length-DL),write('>'), read(NL), get_length(NL,DL,L), addf(X,_,[length-L]),fail. get_length(y,L,L) :- !. get_length(L,_,L). read_walls :- nl,write('Enter data for the walls.'),nl, write('What is the length of the north & south walls? '), read(NSL), uptf(wall,north,[length-NSL]), uptf(wall,south,[length-NSL]), write('What is the length of the east & west walls? '), read(EWL), uptf(wall,east,[length-EWL]), uptf(wall,west,[length-EWL]), write('Which wall has the door? '), read(DoorWall), write('What is its length? '), read(DoorLength), addf(door,D,[length-DoorLength]), uptf(door,D,[position-wall/DoorWall]), write('Which walls have outlets? (a list)'), read(PlugWalls), process_plugs(PlugWalls). process_plugs([]) :- !. process_plugs([H|T]) :- uptf(wall,H,[outlets-1]), !, process_plugs(T). process_plugs(X) :- uptf(wall,X,[outlets-1]). output_data :- write('The final results are:'),nl, % print_frames, output_walls, output_tables, output_recommends, output_unplaced. output_walls :- getf(wall,W,[holding-HL]), write_line([W,wall,holding|HL]), fail. output_walls. output_tables :- getf(C,N,[holding-HL]), not C = wall, write_line([C,N,holding|HL]), fail. output_tables. output_recommends :- getf(recommend,_,[buy-BL]), write_line([purchase|BL]), fail. output_recommends. output_unplaced :- write('Unplaced furniture:'),nl, getf(T,N,[position-none]), write(T-N),nl, fail. output_unplaced.