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VST effect plugin  
This is the resident homepage for my VST effect plugin. The home of 'moreCowbell', an ironic name, seeing as the actual plugin does not have a cowbell effect.....

System Design
This plugin focuses on the stereo aspect of music, and is perfectly suited for composing music to be listened to via headphones.

The plugin has two parts to it. The first is a simple channel weighing, where you can shift the weight to either the left or right channel, fading the other one.

The second portion is comprised of two separate distortion algorithms. One for each the left and right channel. Each of the distortions adjust the weight of their respective channels in a periodic manor. To be specific the left channel is distorted via a sine wave, while the right channel is distorted via a cosine wave.

The user has full control over the amplitude and period of the distortion wave. These controls are separated per channel, allowing the user to create unique distortions for each portion of the stereo sound. The final distortion weight is multiplied with the stereo adjusted input to produce the final sound.
