Dan Dupuis' Overdrive VST plugin


This plugin is an overdrive effect that is most effective on an audio file that contains a single instrument playing a single line of music.  It will work for any audio file, but when there are more than 2 notes being played at the same time, the overdrive muddles the sound, making the music sound pretty bad.

The goal was to model a basic guitar amplifier that has a preamp before the main amplifier.  Traditionally, overdrive (distortion) occurs in hardware when the hardware cannot handle the amplitude of the sound wave.  The sound wave is then clipped at a certain value, which changes the shape of the wave, created distortion of the original sound.

This plugin achieves distortion by simulating a clipping value in software.  If the amplitude of the sound wave exceeds the user-defined clipping value, the amplitude at the particular instance of time is set to the clipping value.  This allows you to create distortion at low volumes, which is ideal if you don't want to destroy your speakers.  Since the can make the audio file quieter, a post gain parameter is provided so the user can recreate or exceed the initial volume of the original audio clip.

User Manual

NOTE: This plugin was tested in Ableton Live 7


Pre Clip Gain

  • Increases the amplitude of the initial input

Clip Value

  • Value at which the clip will begin to distort.  The lower the value, the more the distortion

Post Clip Gain

  • Increases the amplitude of the audio after the clipping value is applied


To achieve the overdrive, start with the Post Clip Gain at a low volume.  Increase the Pre Clip Gain and decrease the Clip Value until you achieve the desired distortion, then adjust the Post Clip Gain.


Download plugin: test.zip



Original Mp3 files are taken from Tales from the Forest of Gnomes by Wolfmother


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