CSound Composition

by Jeff Kekenj

This structure of the song is random, and the notes being played are random notes. The first instrument used for the first 10 seconds is instrument 109 which is the foscil. Around 10 seconds in instrument 106 starts which is a sample-based looping oscillator. This is taking the piano aif from the c sound library and is playing a series of notes. Next is the same thing but with the Violin sample but the notes forming a chord progression instead of randomness. Instruments 500 and 501 are just looping instruments which I used guitar and piano samples I recorded, samples are played as original then looped at a faster rate.

Next is the asynchronous granular synthesis, which is instrument 105 and done on a series of notes. Lastly are the two custom instruments made, the first being instrument 50. This instrument first takes in the parameters for the linen and uses that for the a1 and a2 outputs which are the oscil with k1* parameter 4 and parameter 6 *0.6 for the left channel and -0.4 for the right. This provides a bit of a wider stereo affect to the instrument. The other instrument used is instrument 52, which does the same linen k1 as 50. Used granular synthesis and then passed onto a oscil before outputted.

Software/ Instruments/ Samples used:

- Reaper DAW - For recording piano midi and guitar as well final mp3 render

- Piano.aif and Violin.aif from CSound library

- Instruments 105, 106, 109, 500, 432 from CSound library

Dataflow definition diagram: