CSound Composition - "Incompetent Scientists"

This composition was made in CSound using both pre-recorded and freshly generated sound clips. It makes use of the flooper2, linen, oscil, buzz, and grain opcodes.

The Story

Some scientists were bored one day and started playing around with some music composition on their computers. Everything seemed fine when suddenly, they heard Gonarch! She must have escaped while they were messing around! I guess thats what that explosion was earlier... Curse those HECU soldiers! Everything went fuzzy for the scientists. Meanwhile Gonarch was no longer needed, so the soldiers disposed of her. When the scientists woke up they were in an isolation chamber and all they could hear was the taunting voice of Nihlanth.

The Creation

The first portion of the song recreates Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger. The recorded audio clips, except for the drum line are all from Half Life. The drum line is from here. The second portion of the song is from I Am Very Glad, 'Cause I'm Finally Returning Back Home by Eduard Khil, better known as the Trololo song. The guitar sample used to create the insect swarm-like sound is from sampleswap.org The synthetic instruments are all enveloped with linen and are created with oscil, buzz, and grain. There is also a custom instrument combining the 3.

The Custom Instrument

This instrument is used to recreate the Trololo song portion of the composition. It uses all previously used instruments combined with a pan effect.

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