Eyes in the sky

Composition by Joe Fusco

My Csound composition was inspired by the 1986 motion picture Top Gun. The composition begins with a buzz melody and a low frequency grain effect sweeping in the background. There is a constant drum sequence looping in the background as well. It then builds into a quick plucking pattern then starts to assend into the air with a jet takeoff sound effect mixed with another grain effect. The composition quickly transforms into Top Gun's main theme song except ive speed up the playback rate increasing its frequency. The song then ends with my unique instrument which is a buzz and pluck effect that have been added together and fed into a grain effect which produces a robot/transformer sounding effect. I also loop a helicoptor sound effect in the background and increase its speed after a couple seconds.

This is my created instrument which mixes in a pluck and a buzz then adds them, inputting the result into grain

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