Can I Borrow a Feeling

by Chris Conley

This is possibly the worst song ever created. I wrote the first little riff and realized it sounded like a really bad arcade game. I figured that would be my theme. It starts off with a nice little riff built from a simple oscillator (Instrument 2). At 9 seconds Instrument 4 kicks in, Its built with 3 oscillators that are all added together. At 18 seconds the granular synthesis kicks in, in does some serious graining of 'nyan cat' and the theme song from 'the chemical plant' in sonic 2. The first 2 seconds of the granular synthesis sound like the theme for the super mario world underground levels to me(20 seconds). Not exact but I can hear it in there, when I realized that I stopped fooling around with the parameters.

Then comes my homemade instrument. Its built with 9 phasors and a highpass butterworth filter. This gives off a really cool sound. I add the signals of 3 of the phasors to 6 other phasors, essentially there are two sounds created. The first gives off the sound of a voldschool video game-esque sound effect of either a really crappy motorcycle accelerating or an old tv turning on(depending on the paramater values in the score file), while the second sound is like a repeating baseline that changes pitch as the first sound does.

Then comes a little ol' fashion AOL action, I tried to make something that sounded like a dial up modem connecting, I mean essentially its just random sounds, but I think it sounds pretty convincing. The ending of the song, at 70 seconds, is my note for note transcription of my favourite guitar riff from the song 'percees de lumiere' by the french band Alcest.

Instruments 3 and 4 are modified verseions of those found in the C sound book.

As you'll hear this is an incredibly emotional song, and thats why I felt the title was appropriate, and not at all because I stole it from the simpsons

My custom Instrument

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