#!/usr/local/bin/php4 my stuff

ow.. my ears

by Kristian Horwood.

This is my csound composition for assignment 2 of 4V98. It's called Ow.. My Ears because it sounds pretty bad, just like I knew it would.
I'm not sure if there was any artistic inspiration behind this noise, other than the short sample borrowed from Zombie Nation's Kernkraft 400, which is the bass line heard in the background.
The robot.wav and ni2.wav used in the crazy granular thing are from the course sound clip directory.
It's an eight instrument composition with 3 drum kit instruments borrowed from http://www.csounds.com/mikelson/drummach.orc and http://www.adp-gmbh.ch/csound/instruments/hihat.html
Other instruments include 2 wave sample players for robot.wav and sample.wav, a shaker instrument to complement the drum kit, a sine oscillator, and the crazy granular thing which generates creepy sounding noise.
The crazy granular thing is an instrument of my design. It starts with a fairly ordinary granular synthesis instrument extended to 2 channels with one channel piped through an FM synth to further destroy any chance of it producing anything remotely resembling music.

Crazy Granular Thing

No special effects other than the granular synthesis were used. Once the audio was generated it was converted to MP3 using iTunes.
The csound project can be downloaded here.
The final resulting MP3 can be downloaded here.

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