% OOPS2 - A toy production system interpreter. It uses a forward chaining, % data driven, rule based approach for expert system development. % % Version 2, the simplest version without LEX, MEA, or conflict sets % % author Dennis Merritt % Copyright (c) Dennis Merritt, 1986 % Modified to work with Sicstus Prolog 4.0. % (B. Ross, Jan 2008) % operator definitions :-op(800,xfx,==>). % used to separate LHS and RHS of rule :-op(500,xfy,:). % used to separate attributes and values :-op(810,fx,rule). % used to define rule :-op(700,xfy,#). % used for unification instead of = ?- unknown(_, fail). main :- welcome, supervisor. welcome :- nl,nl, write(' OOPS - A Toy Production System'),nl,nl, write('This is an interpreter for files containing rules coded in the'),nl, write('OOPS format.'),nl,nl, write('The => prompt accepts three commands:'),nl,nl, write(' load. - prompts for name of rules file'),nl, write(' enclose in single quotes'),nl, write(' list. - lists working memory'),nl, write(' go. - starts the inference'),nl, write(' exit. - does what you would expect'),nl,nl. % the supervisor, uses a repeat fail loop to read and process commands % from the user supervisor :- repeat, write('=>'), read(X), doit(X), X = exit. doit(X) :- do(X). % actions to take based on commands do(exit) :- !. do(go) :-initialize,go,!. do(load) :-load,!. do(list) :- lst,!. % lists all of working storage do(list(X)) :- lst(X),!. % lists all which match the pattern do(_) :- write('invalid command'). % loads the rules (Prolog terms) into the Prolog database load :- write('Enter file name in single quotes (ex. ''room.okb''.): '), read(F), reconsult(F). % loads a rule file into interpreter work space % assert each of the initial conditions into working storage initialize :- initial_data(X), assert_list(X). % working storage is represented by database terms stored % under the key "fact" assert_list([]) :- !. assert_list([H|T]) :- assertz( fact(H) ), !,assert_list(T). % the main inference loop, find a rule and try it. if it fired, say so % and repeat the process. if not go back and try the next rule. when % no rules succeed, stop the inference go :- call(rule ID: LHS ==> RHS), try(LHS,RHS), write('Rule fired '),write(ID),nl, !,go. go. % find the current conflict set. %conflict_set(CS) :- % bagof(rule ID: LHS ==> RHS, % [rule ID: LHS ==> RHS, match(LHS)],CS). % match the LHS against working storage, if it succeeds process the % actions from the RHS try(LHS,RHS) :- match(LHS), process(RHS,LHS),!. % recursively go through the LHS list, matching conditions against % working storage match([]) :- !. match([N:Prem|Rest]) :- !, (fact(Prem); test(Prem)), % a comparison test rather than a fact match(Rest). match([Prem|Rest]) :- (fact(Prem); % condition number not specified test(Prem)), match(Rest). % various tests allowed on the LHS test(not(X)) :- fact(X), !,fail. test(not(X)) :- !. test(X#Y) :- X=Y,!. test(X>Y) :- X>Y,!. test(X>=Y) :- X>=Y,!. test(X