COSC 3P98 Term Animation

Hossam Ibrahim | Haseeb Ahmad


This animation was created using Blender. The animation showcases a mix of multiple textures, which adds depth video, giving it a more realistic feel. All 3D models are all original, designed with careful attention to detail. By incorporating simulation physics, the animation achieves an enhanced sense of realism, instead of manually animating physics like gravity and collision. Additionally, the project uses advanced rendering techniques to improve the final output, guaranteeing a visually aesthetic result that doesn’t look like a cheap 3d video game. Below we will delve into each of these aspects, providing insight into the creative process and technical ability that culminated in this notable animation.


The texturing techniques used in the animation made use of Musgrave, ColorRamp, and Bump nodes to create the texture of the ball model. The Musgrave texture node generates a procedural texture. To add color to the marble texture, a ColorRamp node was used to set the colors orange and black, another ColorRamp was used to control the roughness. To further emphasize the marble's three-dimensional quality, a Bump node was used, adding the rocky, rough look to it.

In addition to these techniques, for the dominos, an object info node was used with a colorRamp to create a random gradient. Then used a colorRamp with a multitude of colors to set each individual domino piece automatically.


In the animation, a well-balanced lighting setup plays a vital role in boosting the visual appeal and overall atmosphere. The main light source is a sun lamp, provides consistent and even lighting across the scene. To complement the sun lamp and create a captivating ambiance, an area light emitting a soft purple hue was used. This addition of colored lighting gives the unique "vibe" of the scene, adding a touch of mystique and depth to the visual narrative. Finally, an HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) was used to fill any remaining dark spots, casting subtle reflections and soft shadows that further improved the scene's realism.


In the animation, rigid body simulation and collisions are used to create the domino effect and the ball rolling. The rigid body simulation in Blender enables objects to behave according to the laws of physics, considering factors such as mass, inertia, momentum, and gravity. By assigning a rigid body to each domino piece and the ball, their movements and collisions are determined by these physical properties, creating a more realistic animation. To further polish the simulation, the friction settings were increased, preventing the dominoes and the ball objects from sliding around excessively. This adjustment ensured that the domino pieces remained stable when stationary and behaved more realistically when in motion, adding an additional layer of authenticity to the animation.


When it came to rendering the animation, a depth of field was used on the camera, giving the animation a more professional look. The animation was rednered on the eevee rendering engine to save on space and time.