Lei Shih (3709540)



    At the very beginning, I intended to create an animation that seemed different and special. I was thinking about old-fashioned black and white movie effect or perhaps an animation with the effect of comic-books.

    As far as the content of the animation, human motion was chosen as the topic because I really intended to concentrate on the overall effects and the precess of actions and motions instead of too much details of appearance or textures. Intuitively, sports could be one of the perfect examples to actually demonstrate human motions.


    Poser:    Used to create the figures, objects

                    and motions.


      IMovie:  Used to do the final cuts, titles, 

                       transitions and sound effects.


  1. 1.Creating figures and objects

        The figures and objects were created based on the models in poser library with some changes made to meet better visual effects.


  1. 2.Posing figures

        This was the most time-consuming part of all. Poser’s library has a lot of good poses that could be helpful. However, when I tried to apply them to my figures, it always turned out  inappropriately and way different from what I expected. So I had to do most of the posing things on my own and some of them from scratch.

  1. 3.Camera control and final cuts

        It took me a while to really understand how poser’s camera control and animation manipulation works. Especially when adjusting the camera and storing camera positions in animation clips, clicking on the camera switch icon without saving the file would lead to losing all the camera adjusting work, which really depressed me. Anyways, eventually I got though all of the camera things and finished up all the sound effects and final cuts in  IMovie(mac). By the way, the comic-book effect was done by using sketch render function in Poser.

Music and Sound Effect


Background music:

        “Clint Eastwood”    From    Gorillaz


Sound effects:

        IMovie Sound effect Library

                    Enjoy “Motion-sports”!

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