Description of The Rock Show

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  -- 3p98 final project



-- ChunYan Zhang (Kervent) Jan 7th, 2004








The basic idea of this project is come from one of my favour serial comedy show -- The Third Rock From The Sun. And this is also the reason I selected the intro music of The Third Rock From The Sun as my background music. Nothing is impossible; solar system can also have dancing star. And their show is also worthy for you to watch.



3D Studio Max 4.0 -- Make the animation, and final rendering.

Macromedia Fireworks MX -- Edit the background image and the object face.



¡¤        The target of the camera, it aims a ball, which is hided. The moving path of the camera is essentially the moving path of the ball.

¡¤        Circle path for Moon, Moon is moving along the circle and listens to every single bit of the background music.

¡¤        The Exploding effect, all the texts appeared in the scene are associated with this effect. Each text associated with a bomb, each bomb associated with a timer to trigger the bomb.

¡¤        The background image, it can flash.

¡¤        The organization of the sound track sub trees. This had been utilized during the duration between the 13sec ¨C 16sec. And the whole music had been repeated 3 times. Each time representing one theme.

¡¤        The use of video pose.



Earth, Mars, Mercury and moon escaped from the solar system, they come to the other side of space and make their dancing show here. Their dance are so incredible, everything is exploding, and also make the UFO to participate.



Earth and his brother Moon

Earth is always the main character. And his brother is always like a flying bee around him.


Mars is on the left hand side of Earth, just like a dancer, which is enriching the show.


Mercury is on the right hand side of Earth, another dancer, which is also enriching the show.


UFO entering into the animation right after the angle changing of the camera, it is one of the characters of the second theme.


Main Scenes

First scene

Earth is coming closer and closer, and the title will fly away on the second move of Earth.

Middle scene

The UFO comes into the show. And the title comes back to the scene again (to show the angle changing of camera). This scene is after the angle changing of camera. The angle changing motion completed within 2 or 3 seconds, which causing the scene being shake a little bit.

Title exploding scene

I associated a bomb with the title, and when the time comes, the title will be exploded.

Tile exploding.



Every single bit was being considerate.

All the objects are moving alone the music, fast, slow, heavy and light.

Everything in the scene got its own moving track.

I made a circle path around Earth for Moon which allow Moon always rotates around Earth, from left to right or right to left.

The background image is flashing alone time by seconds, brighter or darker.


Background Music

The sound track is too short, only 16 seconds. So I combined it 3 times. I fully utilized three entering of the music, making them as the beginning of three themes. The first entering of the music show the main movement of four planets. The second entering is to show the angle changing of the camera. The third entering is to show the title exploding.


Post Note

Because I don¡¯t have the copy of poser, it is very time consuming for me to make human figure. However, this doesn¡¯t mean that I put less effort in doing this project. I did put a lot of time in adjusting the bit and the objects¡¯ moving.



I gradually understood some important animation concepts and techniques such as key frame and camera angle changing and object movement path creation from this project. Although there are many other sophisticated functions in 3d studio max, I have learned some basic skills like object creation, materials editing, object moving path, object exploding effect, environment setting, rendering and so on. I am sure that I will benefit from this in the future, and make more funny animation.


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